Van Putte Gardens prides itself on inspiring, educating and serving Rochester's gardeners since 1948. We are the areas most complete garden center, offering everything you need to complement your outdoor living style.
10 December 2009
A Christmas Thought
Don't forget the Poinsettia for that special friend. The large 8" size have so many blooms, that they also look like shrubs.
Come home for The Van Putte Gardens.
20 November 2009
There's a wonderful scent in the air.....
Poinsettias have also arrived.
19 September 2009
Tulips & Daffodils & Crocus OH MY!
Well, time to get for you to get into a fun frenzy because its BULB SEASON!
All your favorite characters, such as those Dandy Daffodils and Happy Hyacinths have arrived from Holland are looking for permanent homes in your garden. The colors, the fragrance, the anticipation of Spring.
If you're tired of the old standbys, let me suggest these couple of boldly bulbs.
One is the Snowdrop, Galanthus nivalis. its a great small crocus type flower that can bloom as early as mid to late February. It was usually the first flower to pop up on a sunny hillside near where I grew up. In my Island Gardens, it is showing once we have a couple of weeks of sun and no snow in March.
The other is Fritillaria. This flower is on a tall stem and towers over smaller Daffodils and Tulips in mid Spring. This is simply a flower you must have to fully enjoy the beauty. A photo doesn't do it justice.
The temperatures are dropping at night and there was just a hint of Ice on some car windshields in the southern part of the Rochester Area last night. So now is the perfect time to get started on creating that Spring display of flowers you've always wanted to do, but felt you didn't have the brains to do it, the heart to care, or the courage to try something new.
09 September 2009
Its Time To Think Plants
Fall, in this author's humble opinion, is the best time to plant trees and shrubs. The combination of cool nights and warm days, with a few well timed rain showers, provide optimum growing conditions for plants. And by planting now, you also get the full benefit of the entire spring growing season.
Starting on Friday September 11th, Van Putte Gardens will be starting our Annual Fall Plant Sale. Flowering and Shade Trees will be discounted from 25-70% off. These are the same quality plants you know and expect from Van Putte Gardens, but at cost savings for you. Shrubs will also be discounted 25-70%, and all perennials and grasses will be 30% off.
Imagine purchasing a 'Constellation' Flowering Dogwood, 2" caliper, 14' tall (regular price of $189.99) for $95.00! That's just one of the many gems we have for you.
We will have a full staff here to assist in your landscape bed creation or tree selection. Our staff is extremely knowledgeable and are here to benefit you.
Unfortunately, all good things do come to an end sometime. These sale prices will end at the end of the day, September 20th.
This sale is a first come, first served event.
We look forward to seeing you.
17 July 2009
Japanese Beetles are back

Its Japanese beetle time. The Japanese beetles are in full force this summer, and have already caused some severe damage. Here is the Japanese Beetle fact sheet for your information.
Description of Problem: Metallic green and red shelled insects that eat holes in flowers and leaves during warm months. The larva is also found in Turfgrass as grubs.
10 June 2009
Problem of the Week
Damage to Plant: Curling and discoloring of leaves. Possible defoliation. Possible growth restrictions. Only in severe problems will death occur. Can transmit diseases from plant to plant. Produces a sweet, liquid on following their path. Most Aphids are found on the underside of the plants and on soft growing plant tips

Chemical: Sevin or insecticidal soap
Recommended Rate: RTU or RTS bottle
Application Time: Early May –September, 2 Applications at 10 day intervals
Chemical: Ortho Systemic Insect Control
Recommended Rate: 1 ½ Oz (3 Tablespoons) Per Gallon
Application Time: Mid June to Early September, Every 7-10 days for 3 applications. Check for insect in 3 weeks and repeat process as needed.
22 April 2009
Early Insect Control
Insects, such as Spider Mites, Aphids, Aldegids, Scales, and Viburnum Leaf Beetle, just to name a few, can be partially controlled with an application of Dormant Oil Spray. This refined petroleum product can be purchased in a pre-mixed bottle or in a concentrate to be used with a tank sprayer.
Dormant Oil (also referred to many times as All Season Oil) creates a covering over the existing insect egg sacks and prevents them from hatching. For some insects, such as Spider Mites and Scales, this is only Step 1 in a 2 Step process for full control.
With any chemical control, always read the label for full disclosures and information, such as application times, mixing rates, recommended clothing, and all other pertinent information.
Also, always know what insect your are trying to control. Dormant Oil is not effective on everything and you could simply be wasting time and money.
Stop by the Garden Center for more information or email us at
20 April 2009
What is that white stuff on my lawn????
Avoid late fall applications of fertilizer that would stimulate succulent growth. Such growth is very susceptible to infection.
Where snow molds have caused damage, rake the matted grass in order to encourage new spring growth. Re-seed areas where these diseases have been a problem.
Applying a good quality fertilizer, like Van Putte’s 15+ will encourage new growth to help the area, and fill in any bare spots.
10 April 2009
Timely tips for April
Now is the time to apply an All-Seasons spray oil by Bonide to trees and shrubs to help control over-wintering insects and diseases. If you have fruit trees, it is especially important to begin the Bonide Fruit Tree Spray schedule to insure a high quality harvest free of fungal spots and insects. Please consult with a VanPutte professional if you have any questions regarding the use of these products.
* Apply pre-emergent crabgrass control before the forsythia blossoms drop. Read the label and consult with a VanPutte professional if you have any questions regarding the application of this product.
* Harden-off seedlings started indoors before planting into the garden. Do this by setting the seedling trays outside during the day in a protected area (water as needed) and then bringing back inside at night to protect from freezing temperatures.
* Houseplants are now more actively growing – the perfect time to transplant into a new pot.
* Monitor water for transplants and new seed beds – mother nature may not be enough!
02 April 2009
Spring Lawn Seeding
First, Re-Seeding: Installing new grass seed always seems the simplest of tasks, but done improperly, the seed germination becomes less effective. Always prepare a lawn area by raking out any dead turf or stone debris. Make sure the soil surface is loose, or add some new soil. When you put down the seed, lightly rake it in to the loose soil. Keep the soil slightly moist until fully germinated.
Also important is seed selection. You need to know what the sunlight conditions are for the areas. This includes morning, afternoon, and evening. Be aware that an area can be sunny in the morning, but full shade in the afternoon and vice-versa.
Second, Fertilizer: When bringing a lawn out of winter dormancy or when reseeding, feeding is very important. The nutritional analysis of a fertilizer is important. Not only the N-P-K, but the Sulfur and Iron content as well. Consult your local Independent Garden Center (and for you in the Rochester area come see Van Putte Gardens) for what fertilizer is best for you. Here in the Rochester area, there is NO better product than Van Putte 15+. We are the sole distributor of this product and it has a loyal following as far away as Michigan. These can be put down on the lawn now, but be aware that if we have a lot of rain over the next few weeks, you may need to apply again, due to leaching from the excessive rains.
Third, Weed Control: The 'Step' programs have become very popular. The Crabgrass Preventer in the 'Step 1's' can disrupt your seeding schedule . There are different products on the market, so come see us first!
If you are reseeding an area, there is only 1 product that you can use. Crabgrass preventers can last from 2-4 months, which not only stops crabgrass germination, but turf grass types as well. Make sure you know the all the details about your products BEFORE purchase and application
Happy Spring!
31 March 2009
Easter Color
Special Mum Baskets and Small Desk Planters also are FANTASTIC!
27 March 2009
24 March 2009
23 March 2009
Being Green and Receiving Green
Start with a Jiffy Seed Starting tray, complete with small pots. Add your growing mix, such as Pro-Mix, plant your desired seeds, and water. The sun beaming through the window will give you the heat and light needed to germinate the seeds. A bright, sunny window is best - usually a south or west exposure. The sun not only heats your seeds and plants, it also gives them the light they need for photosynthesis once they are actively growing
As the plants grow, you can transplant them to 4" pots or larger and enjoy homegrown herbs all season.
A simple way to get your spring started early and be beneficial to you and your family.
20 March 2009
Happy Spring 2009
We woke up to a brisk morning with a dusting of snow, but who could complain? Sunny days have been common and nice days are in the forecast for the weekend and beyond.
So how are you celebrating Spring? A simple way to get into that warm feeling is to display a flag. We have many types of Spring and Flower Flags, ready to brighten your front porch or entry. Mailbox covers also show your 'Spring Spirit'.
I've seen a few Robins at the feeder and the Canadain Geese are definetly starting to move. Definetly signs of the better weather to come.
Get out and enjoy the outdoors on Saturday - get those gardens cleaned and ready for planting. Sunday would be a good day to clean out the potting area and stay out of cool breeze.
Happy Gardening!
19 March 2009
A Pot Is Not Just A Pot
The great thing about this pot, other than rich pastels and that they are lightweight, is that they have a built in self-watering system. No need for that ugly overspill tray under a pot. And if you're using this pot outside, you can remove the plug and overide the self watering system so that it can drain, in the event of overwatering due to rain.
For Easter, I'd use this pot and put in a cyclamen or hyacinth and use it for a table setting or a gift. It looks better than a pot cover.
The different possibilites for this pot are only limited by you imagination.
18 March 2009
Spring is coming.....
I recall a song from a Christmas Special I adored as a child. There was a Wicked Warlock who's only reason for being angry and mean was because he didn't know any better. Kris Kringle goes on to sing and teach the old warlock a song. "Put one foot in front of the other, and soon you'll be walking across the floor. Put one foot in front of the other, and soon you'll be walking out the door. You never will get where you’re going, if you never get up on your feet...."
Here at Van Putte Gardens, we are embracing the joy of the upcoming spring and endless possibilities. We are enhancing the Garden Center right now, to make your visit even more enjoyable and gratifying than in the past. New plants, new garden products, and new gift items...all starting to arrive or delivery dates are being set for their arrival.
Its time to plan and think outdoor beauty. Its time to get outside and plan. We've sold a number of trees in the last week already.
I am not taking part in this recession. Van Putte Gardens is not taking part in this recession.
And neither should you. You deserve better!
16 March 2009
Thinking Spring Green
With good weather, it won't be long before the Forsythia blooms in triumphant fashion. We have 75 plants here, ready for sale, FULL of buds.
Today marked the annual "Grand Statuary Parade". This involved moving it all from it's winter resting home in our greenhouse, to The Garden Gallery, where it will shine in the great outdoors. Nestled nearby are stacks and stacks of new pottery, in a variety of styles and colors. Once planted, they are perfect for a home entry or patio. Get a pot now and start to plan for May.
13 March 2009
This weekend looks like a beautiful time to just get out get an early start on garden and lawn cleaning. Simple garden tasks, such as cleaning out any weeds and debris in your beds, that were ignored last fall, will get you in that 'spring mode'.
If that doesn't seem appealing, just take a nice walk and enjoy the sun. As you're strolling, take time to look at other landscape beds in your neighborhood. You might just find a small idea that you can 'borrow' and use in your yard this year.
Enjoy the outdoors. It's an extension of your living space.
09 March 2009
Color Your World For The Future
Is it "Its great to be home, everything looks so beautiful. THIS is my oasis!"
Or is it "Oh my, this place looks terrible. Those shrubs are ugly and I wish I had some color."
Many of us come home and are greeted by the latter thought. Our home is our oasis. How our home greets us many times sets the mood for the evening (or day). We focus on creating a beautiful interior living room and completely ignore the outdoor living spaces that we have.
Simple upgrades to your landscape, either front entry or back patio/garden area, bring more opportunities for serenity and peace. Simply by adding color or functional areas for sitting and gathering.
We can help you Color Your World in a variety of ways. From our Full Service Design and Installation with our Design Team (many are Certified Landscape & Nursery Professionals) to our In-House Design Staff that can help you plan your new area and you can go home and start planting right away that day.
If you can dream it, we can help you create it. And by doing so, you will not only add value to your home with the investement, you will add value to your Quality of Life. It will also help your country's economy.
04 March 2009
Color Your World
If you're looking for the longterm companionship of an indoor plant, our African Violets offer longterm beauty. And we have the knowledge staff and health products to keep your violets the focal point of any room.
The 'Luck of the Irish' arrived as well. Both purple leaf and green leaf Shamrocks, in full flower, are perfect to brighten the table for a St. Patrick Day's Dinner.
It may be cold and wintery outside, but it doesn't have to be dull and drab in your home.
21 February 2009
Veggie Seeds

February Timely Tips
If you want to keep yourself busy inside, there’s plenty to do that’s garden related: complete plans for your vegetable garden – you’ll be planting peas, beans, broccoli and lettuce before long; tend to your houseplants by rotating them regularly, washing them to help keep them free from pests, and maintaining humidity during the dry heating season; begonias, impatiens and geraniums can be started from seed now.
WATCH FOR UPCOMING GARDENING SHOWS. They’ll give you many great ideas for the upcoming gardening season, as well as a much needed break from winter. Don’t forget to bring along a notebook and pen to jot down all the great plants you’ll want to shop for here at VanPutte Gardens!
10 January 2009
Timely Tips For January
Dreading the snow that is sure to come? Don’t. The snow that we get in our northern areas acts as winter protection for your plants: it insulates, reducing deep freezing in the soil and protects the roots and crowns.
Check houseplants for mites, mealy bugs, scale and whitefly that may have been brought in from the outdoors. Consult a professional at VanPutte’s to select the proper treatment. Increase humidity by placing sensitive plants on trays of pebbles filled with water or by running a humidifier. Signs that humidity is too low are browning tips and leaves that are smaller than normal or are misshapen.