10 April 2009

Timely tips for April

April is the month that everyone gets excited about because we are finally seeing some color in the garden. As the blossoms of flowering bulbs such as daffodils, tulips, hyacinths and others begin to fade, be sure to remove the seed head. By not letting the seed head form, the energy that would be used to make seeds will be reserved to benefit the bulb. Also, do not remove the foliage until it has begun to yellow. It must remain intact so the bulb can produce enough energy to bloom again the following year.

Now is the time to apply an All-Seasons spray oil by Bonide to trees and shrubs to help control over-wintering insects and diseases. If you have fruit trees, it is especially important to begin the Bonide Fruit Tree Spray schedule to insure a high quality harvest free of fungal spots and insects. Please consult with a VanPutte professional if you have any questions regarding the use of these products.


* Apply pre-emergent crabgrass control before the forsythia blossoms drop. Read the label and consult with a VanPutte professional if you have any questions regarding the application of this product.
* Harden-off seedlings started indoors before planting into the garden. Do this by setting the seedling trays outside during the day in a protected area (water as needed) and then bringing back inside at night to protect from freezing temperatures.
* Houseplants are now more actively growing – the perfect time to transplant into a new pot.
* Monitor water for transplants and new seed beds – mother nature may not be enough!

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