02 April 2009

Spring Lawn Seeding

Right about now, the 'itch' is on to get the lawn repaired from the winter mayhem. Lets look at the 3 main components

First, Re-Seeding: Installing new grass seed always seems the simplest of tasks, but done improperly, the seed germination becomes less effective. Always prepare a lawn area by raking out any dead turf or stone debris. Make sure the soil surface is loose, or add some new soil. When you put down the seed, lightly rake it in to the loose soil. Keep the soil slightly moist until fully germinated.

Also important is seed selection. You need to know what the sunlight conditions are for the areas. This includes morning, afternoon, and evening. Be aware that an area can be sunny in the morning, but full shade in the afternoon and vice-versa.

Second, Fertilizer: When bringing a lawn out of winter dormancy or when reseeding, feeding is very important. The nutritional analysis of a fertilizer is important. Not only the N-P-K, but the Sulfur and Iron content as well. Consult your local Independent Garden Center (and for you in the Rochester area come see Van Putte Gardens) for what fertilizer is best for you. Here in the Rochester area, there is NO better product than Van Putte 15+. We are the sole distributor of this product and it has a loyal following as far away as Michigan. These can be put down on the lawn now, but be aware that if we have a lot of rain over the next few weeks, you may need to apply again, due to leaching from the excessive rains.

Third, Weed Control: The 'Step' programs have become very popular. The Crabgrass Preventer in the 'Step 1's' can disrupt your seeding schedule . There are different products on the market, so come see us first!
If you are reseeding an area, there is only 1 product that you can use. Crabgrass preventers can last from 2-4 months, which not only stops crabgrass germination, but turf grass types as well. Make sure you know the all the details about your products BEFORE purchase and application

Happy Spring!

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