25 February 2011

Thoughts of Maui in a Snow Storm

Ok, seems as winter doesn't want to let go. Ok, I can deal with that. It looks like a giant snow globe outside the window, with 3" of new snow in last hour or so. But fear not, let's think summer. Let's think Tropical.

Welcome, Maui Sunshine. One of Terra Nova new Coneflower (Echinacea) additions, this bright gold/yellow flowering plant has some size to it. The plant tends to be more upright, up to 3'+ tall and close in width. Good flower size and quantity. And thoughts of the sweet fragrance take me away from the winter blues.
Like all coneflowers, too much water will rot the roots, but otherwise, this seems to be a good one.

22 February 2011

Something Fresh

Alas, more snow fell over past day or so after the wonderful warm up last week. Winter cold in swing this morning, even a great lake effect windchill. But spring is coming.

As I worked on some signage for products we will carry this spring, I became intrigued by a new Rose variety I ordered. The picture and quick description looked nice...and it is a new (2009 bred, 2010 release) plant. Love new plants!!

The Rose? "Purple Splash". It is a climbing variety, with a rich purple and white speckled flower. Truly striking. The flower is described to have a sweet apple fragrance. Its only a single petal style flower, but the coloring more then makes up for it. Also noted that the thorns are minimal. Awesome if true! Disease resistant noted to be minimal.
I will find a place for this gem somewhere in a garden and give it a review. One more tidbit, those seeds started last week are growing wonderfully and many trays of plants were transplanted last week and yesterday. YES!!!! Spring on is coming!

16 February 2011

Seed Starting

Welcome, to a new season and a new set of blogs. We are revamping the blog so that you can be brought all sorts of fun, relevant and/or important garden, plant, and landscape information.

Well, it is that time. Many annuals, vegetables, and herbs need to be seeded this early just to have them ready for May. We seeded the first crop of Marigolds on Monday and they have already started to show sprouts. Other plants seeded this week include Peppers, a few Herbs, and Snapdragons.

For starting your own seeds, soil media, heat and water are all critical elements in germination. A good seed starting mix is essential. it needs to be light in weight, as to not 'bury and drown' the seed. Heat needs to be fairly consistent in the early stages of seed germination. You need to avoid large temperature fluctuations. A stunted seed produces a stunted plant. With water, its critical to know what the plant really prefers. not all seeds and plants like to be real wet. Soggy soil rots many seeds.

Depending on what you are growing, you have the next 3 months or so to start.

Happy Growing.