02 February 2012

Not Normal Groundhog Day

Today is Groundhog's Day and I can only think of the movie that starred Bill Murray. In the movie, his character relives February 2nd over and over and over. Well, many times are weather in and around February 2nd is the same each year. Cold, snow, clouds with maybe a quick peak of sunlight.

Not in 2012......

This entire winter has almost bordered on the unbelievable. The winter snowfall total up to the end of January was just over 25". We were on track at point to break the record for the same winter time period in 1941-1942 (just under 18"). So what about the plants?

Well....saw a Fragrant Viburnum trying to bloom in mid January when it was 55 degrees. Buds on Maples and Roses started to swell. It's hard to say whether the recent colder (35 degrees) weather will be a hinder. The longer we stay above 40 degrees, the more likely for plants to start thinking spring. But it's still possible for cold snaps and heavy snows, which could cause damage.

All though snow is a great insulator for plant roots, we have been blessed that we have not had long periods of below 0 windchills. Frigid windchills and no snow has been very detrimental to plants in a few of the past February's. On the flip side, the rain has been beneficial for the plants.

So, as Bill Murray's character relived the same day over and over, this year we have experienced a reprieve from the cold. It will be interesting to see how our landscape plants react this spring. And if Punxsutawney Phil is right that we have another 6 weeks of winter, many of us like THIS winter so far.

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