28 August 2008

Fall Plants and Rust

Welcome Gardeners,

In an effort to better serve you with timely info on gardening in the Greater Rochester Area. We at Van Putte Gardens decided it was time to get on the cutting edge of garden information by entering the blogging world.

Here at Van Putte's we have several new additions to the garden center; including Hardy Garden Mums, and winter pansies. These are both great choices for fall planters and enjoying color into the colder months.

Several customers have come to the store in the past few weeks, with problems of rust on their grass.

Rust Symptoms include:
-Lawn turns a yellowish/orange, while becoming thin
-Rusty Color will rub off on hands, feet, and clothing

Our suggestion is to apply a good quality fertilizer (Van Putte’s 15+), remove grass clippings, and wash mower blades with a hose to avoid the spread of fungus.

This year we have seen a lot more of this problem due to temperature variations and the moisture. Just stick by your lawn and the fungus should leave shortly (usually within a couple of weeks) As always stop by the store if you have more concerns about this problem.

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