28 September 2012

Seed Saving

Are you looking for a fall activity that’s free and lots of fun?  SEED SAVING is a great way to get outside and enjoy the cooler, sunny  weather.

This Fall, grab some clippers, paper envelopes and your favorite flowers  and get started!

Select the plants you want to save seeds from. These plants should be healthy and have abundant flowers. (Zinnias, marigolds, and sunflowers produce large seeds, so are good plants for beginners.)

 Instead of deadheading, allow some of the flower heads to stay on the plant;  seeds will begin to form . On a sunny day,  harvest the seeds when the seed heads are dry to the touch and brown. Gather seed pods by hand or with clippers into a basket or cardboard box-even a cookie sheet will do.

 After harvesting, place the seeds where they can dry thoroughly-the top of a water heater works well!  Allow to dry thoroughly-this could take a full week. 

Store your seeds either in their protective pods or shake them free and store loose in paper envelopes.  Remember to label each envelope with seed variety and date collected.  Use a waterproof pen.

Place your labeled envelope into an air-tight container-a mason jar works well, as does a large manila envelope.  Store in a cool, dry  location until next planting season. Seeds should be planted the following season to remain viable.  Now, wasn’t that easy?!

( Remember ! Do not propagate licensed or illegal plants! )
Blog by Beth Warren