Greetings all. It was a busy May, but our blog will be more updated now.
Damage to Plant: Curling and discoloring of leaves. Possible defoliation. Possible growth restrictions. Only in severe problems will death occur. Can transmit diseases from plant to plant. Produces a sweet, liquid on following their path. Most Aphids are found on the underside of the plants and on soft growing plant tips

Chemical: Sevin or insecticidal soap
Recommended Rate: RTU or RTS bottle
Application Time: Early May –September, 2 Applications at 10 day intervals
Chemical: Sevin or insecticidal soap
Recommended Rate: RTU or RTS bottle
Application Time: Early May –September, 2 Applications at 10 day intervals
Chemical: Ortho Systemic Insect Control
Recommended Rate: 1 ½ Oz (3 Tablespoons) Per Gallon
Application Time: Mid June to Early September, Every 7-10 days for 3 applications. Check for insect in 3 weeks and repeat process as needed.